Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Traveling Tuesday: The Risoux Forest

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Traveling Tuesday: The Risoux Forest

With over 2,200 continue hectares (nearly 5,500 acres or 22 square km), the Risoux forest is the largest forest in Europe. Forming a natural border between France and Switzerland, the forest lines the edge of the Vallée de Joux in the Jura Mountains. The Vallée is well-known for its watch and cheese making, but during WWII, the area became one of many routes used by fugitives from France into Switzerland. The border is a dry stone wall with Fleur-de-Lis decorating it and stands approximately three feet tall making escape somewhat easy as long as German troops were avoided.

A group of French and Swiss friends became known as the Passeurs du Risoud and helped countless
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downed pilots, those in danger of deportation, and escaped prisoners make it over the border. In addition to smuggling humans, the group passed confidential documents about troop numbers and movements to the British Embassy in Lausanne as well as armaments.

To make it more difficult for the Nazis to track them, the Passeurs formed multiple routes through the forest, many of which are still apparent. Soldiers patrolled the French side of the forest twenty-four hours a day, and anyone found within the two-kilometer forbidden zone was shot on sight.

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After arriving in Switzerland, the group would hide in one of the two wooden huts (L’Hôtel d’Italie and Le Rendezvous des Sages) to rest. Then the Passeurs would go home under cover of darkness, and the escapees would continue the ten-kilometer journey from the border to the place where they registered as illegal foreigners, then to an internment camp for the remainder of the war. Many downed military personnel did not register and continued their escape to Allied soil.


Spies & Sweethearts

She wants to do her part. He’s just trying to stay out of the stockade. Will two agents deep behind enemy lines find capture… or love?

1942. Emily Strealer is tired of being told what she can’t do. Wanting to prove herself to her older sisters and do her part for the war effort, the high school French teacher joins the OSS and trains to become a covert operative. And when she completes her training, she finds herself parachuting into occupied France with her instructor to send radio signals to the Resistance.

Major Gerard Lucas has always been a rogue. Transferring to the so-called “Office of Dirty Tricks” to escape a court-martial, he poses as a husband to one of his trainees on a dangerous secret mission. But when their cover is blown after only three weeks, he has to flee with the young schoolteacher to avoid Nazi arrest.

Running for their lives, Emily clings to her mentor’s military experience during the harrowing three-hundred-mile trek to neutral Switzerland. And while Gerard can’t bear the thought of his partner falling into German hands, their forged papers might not be enough to get them over the border.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Talkshow Thursday: Welcome Becca Wierwille!

Talkshow Thursday: Welcome Becca Wierwille!

Becca is a new-to-me author, so I'm excited to welcome her to my blog for the first time. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and get to know this interesting lady!

1. What was your inspiration for the story?

Book one in the series, Road Trip Rescue, is the story of a girl named Kimmy who embarks on a wild road trip with her aunt to find her lost dog. Along the journey, Kimmy meets and befriends a boy named Daniel.

I didn’t initially know Daniel would need his own story, but when beta readers gave me feedback on Road Trip Rescue, several of them told me they would love to spend more time with Daniel. And the more I thought about it, I did too!

And so, in book two of the series, Road Trip Return, we have Daniel’s story. And he must save his brother from making the biggest mistake of his life—even if that means embarking on an international adventure to Guatemala, the home of his father, and the last place in the world he wants to go.

In college, I spent a semester in Guatemala, and I’ve been back to visit several times since. The
Photo: Pixabay/
country holds a special place in my heart, and I always thought it would be fun to write a story set in Guatemala. My time in Guatemala inspired the setting of this story and helped create a sense of nostalgic wonder and adventure for me as I wrote.

2. What sort of research did you do for your story, and was there an exceptionally interesting tidbit you knew you had to include?

Because it’s been about ten years since I lived in Guatemala for a semester (which I can hardly believe!), I needed to do a lot of research beyond trying to relive only my own memories. I spent a lot of time on Google Earth, read back through my old journal entries, and shared the book with several friends who had lived in or were from Guatemala.

In Panajachel, the town in the Guatemala Highlands where Daniel and the others travel to in Road Trip Return, I had forgotten that Spanish is not the first language of many people who live there. Their first language is Kaqchikel, a Mayan language. It was fun to include details like that in the story so readers can learn about a different culture as they embark on the adventure with Daniel.

3. If your book is part of a series: Did you set out to write a series? Why did you decide to write a series?

No, I did not set out to write a series! Road Trip Rescue was originally a standalone novel. However, after beta readers suggested I write Daniel’s story, I realized another character in book one also needed her own story. And so, the three books in the Road Trip Rescue series began to take shape in my mind.

4. How has your book changed since your first draft? Road Trip Return has changed immensely since the first draft! In the first draft, Daniel didn’t have a whole lot of agency. He was kind of just “along for the ride,” and usually being dragged along where he didn’t want to go. I knew the story needed more conflict and tension, but I couldn’t figure out what that looked like.

Then, my developmental editor, Jon Tilton, gave me an idea that changed the trajectory of the entire story. Yes, it did involve almost a full rewrite—but it was so worth it!

5. Why do you write in your particular genre?

Photo: Pixabay/
Sasin Tipchai
I write for middle-grade readers (kids between the ages of 8 and 12) because these are the stories that so impacted me when I was that age. And I can still remember so many of those books today!

My mission statement is this: “I write stories to show kids they are wonderfully created for the unique adventures in their lives. They are not perfect, but they are extraordinary and they are loved. And every adventure will be better when they know they’re not alone.”

6. What is your process for writing? (do you outline, have a special place or time of day you write, etc.) What is your favorite part of the process?

In this season of life, my process is to either attempt to wake up and write before my daughter (which doesn’t always happen—she’s an early riser too!), or to write during her nap time.

When it’s warm enough outside, I love writing on the picnic table on my back porch. If it’s too cold, I like to write in the basement, in a chair right in front of the glass door so I can pretend I’m outside.

I usually outline my stories, though my outlines grow and change a lot as I draft. My characters tend to have ideas of their own! And that first draft is my favorite part of the process. I love discovering the story along with the characters who become my friends.

7. How does/did your job prepare you for being a novelist?

Before becoming an author, I worked as a newspaper reporter, in college admissions, and as a kindergarten teacher.

Working as a reporter helped me learn to tell stories in a concise but interesting way. Working in college admissions helped me learn how to manage my time and how to work well with others (something that matters a lot as a writer!). And working as a teacher gave me a chance to dive deep into the world of kidlit and read so many great stories out loud to my students.

8. What is your advice to fledgling writers?

Don’t try to do it alone!

We often have this idea that writing is a solitary process—an author alone at their desk, typing away. But invite others into your process! Learn from other authors. Connect with readers. And, above all, invite God to lead and guide your writing.

9. What was your favorite childhood book and why?

I still love Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo. I connected with the characters in the story so
deeply and felt like they were my friends. Also, I loved the themes of friendship and not being alone, which I have integrated into my own stories as well.

10. What is your next project?

Road Trip Return
, book two in the Road Trip Rescue series, is available now for a limited time (April 16 - May 2, 2024) to order directly from me through Kickstarter for some really fun rewards—and to get the book early! Here is a link to the campaign page if you want to learn more and order the book.

After the campaign, Road Trip Return will release on retailers in September.

I am currently working on book three in the series. More details on book three are coming soon. Sign up for my email newsletter for updates and for a few free gifts, including family-friendly conversation cards that would be perfect for a road trip!


A faith-filled international adventure for kids ages 8-12 about facing the past to embrace the future.

Daniel likes his life the way it is.

Simple. Predictable. And most importantly, just him and his older brother, Mateo. But as Mateo's wedding approaches, life is already changing. And Daniel worries Mateo’s fiancée, Skylar, will ruin everything.

When Skylar disappears a week before the ceremony, Daniel’s concerns are confirmed. Skylar is trouble. The wedding must be stopped.

Drawing on his twelve years of wisdom, Daniel vows to save his family from disaster. Even if that means traveling to Guatemala—the home of his father, and the last place he ever wanted to visit.

Daniel must sabotage the search for Skylar before Mateo makes the biggest mistake of his life.

Connect with Becca!
Newsletter signup: https://beccawierwille.com/newsletter/

Monday, April 22, 2024

Movie Monday: Casablanca - A Movie About the Resistance

Movie Monday: Casablanca - 
A Movie about the Resistance

Few people have not heard of Casablanca, the 1942 film featuring Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, and Paul Henreid that tells the story of a cynical American ex-patriate living in Morocco (at that time a French protectorate) whose ex-girlfriend and her husband show up on the run from the Nazis. Rick (Bogart) must choose between the love he still holds for her and helping her Czech-resistance leader husband escape. Based on the unproduced stage play Everybody Comes to Rick's, the screenplay was purchased by Warner Bros. for a whopping $20,000 (as compared to The Maltese Falcon purchased for a paltry $8,000).

Despite its appearance, the entire movie was shot in the Burbank studios with one exception - that of the opening scene when Heinrich Strasser is flying past an airplane hanger - which was filmed at the Van Nuys Airport. Filming took place over ten weeks and cost about $950,000. Post-production and release were then rushed because of what was actually happening during the war. The movie premiered in New York City at the Hollywood Theater on November 26, 1942 rather than in 1943 as planned because the publicity people wanted it to coincide with the Allied invasion of North Africa and the capture of Casablanca. Eight weeks later Casablanca was then released wide to coincide with the Casablanca Conference, the high-level meeting between Winston Churchill and President Franklin Roosevelt in Casablanca.

Intriguingly, some of the actors had experienced the war personally. S.Z. Sakall, a Jewish-Hungarian,

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lost his three sisters in a concentration camp. Helmut Dantine had spent time in a concentration camp, fleeing Europe after his release. Curt Bopis was a German-Jewish actor and refugee, and Curt Bois, was a German film star who'd fled his homeland. He would often be cast as a Nazi in American films. Director Michael Curtiz was a Hungarian-Jewish immigrant whose family members were refugees.

The film was nominated for eight Academy Awards and won three, including best picture, and although was not expected to do more than break even, Casablanca was a box office hit. The US Library of Congress selected the film in 1989 as one of the first for preservation in the National Film Registry for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant." And you'll notice, there has never been a

remake. According to one source, there have been several attempts, none of which have "seen the light of day." 

Perhaps Roger Ebert said it best in 1992 (the 50th anniversary of Casablanca): "There are great movies. More profound movies. Movies of greater artistic vision or artistic originality or political significance...But {it is} one of the movies we treasure the most...This is a movie that has transcended the ordinary categories."


Spies & Sweethearts

She wants to do her part. He’s just trying to stay out of the stockade. Will two agents deep behind enemy lines find capture… or love?

1942. Emily Strealer is tired of being told what she can’t do. Wanting to prove herself to her older sisters and do her part for the war effort, the high school French teacher joins the OSS and trains to become a covert operative. And when she completes her training, she finds herself parachuting into occupied France with her instructor to send radio signals to the Resistance.

Major Gerard Lucas has always been a rogue. Transferring to the so-called “Office of Dirty Tricks” to escape a court-martial, he poses as a husband to one of his trainees on a dangerous secret mission. But when their cover is blown after only three weeks, he has to flee with the young schoolteacher to avoid Nazi arrest.

Running for their lives, Emily clings to her mentor’s military experience during the harrowing three-hundred-mile trek to neutral Switzerland. And while Gerard can’t bear the thought of his partner falling into German hands, their forged papers might not be enough to get them over the border.

Purchase Link: https://books2read.com/u/m0Od9l

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Wartime Wednesday: Couriers with the French Resistance

Wartime Wednesday:
Couriers with the French Resistance

Signed by the French, the Armistice stipulated that “The French Government will forbid French citizens to fight against Germany in the service of States with which the German Reich is still at war. French citizens who violate this provision are to be treated by German troops as insurgents.”

Thousands of French men and women chose to ignore the mandate. The exact number of La Résistance members in France during WWII is unknown because many were never captured and even more never told their family about their involvement during the war. Activities included securing intelligence about German troop numbers and movements, sabotaging communication and train lines, blowing up bridges, kidnapped and killed German army officers, and ambushed German soldiers. Another important task performed by La Résistance was to courier downed airmen and escaped prisoners out of the country and into neutral Switzerland.

As mentioned in a previous post, several escape routes existed. However, rather than be given a map,
Flag of the French
the escapees were led out of the country by couriers, who were often natives of the area through which the route passed. Much like a relay race, the courier would take the individuals from Point A to Point B where the next courier would meet them and continue the journey. Both men and women acted as couriers.


With a fatality rate of 42%, couriers held a dangerous job. They came from all walks of life: housewives and mothers, society women, teachers, and shopkeepers. Couriers had to be in excellent physical condition because of the hundreds of miles they traveled back and forth over rough terrain, many of which went into the higher elevations.


Spies & Sweethearts

She wants to do her part. He’s just trying to stay out of the stockade. Will two agents deep behind enemy lines find capture… or love?

1942. Emily Strealer is tired of being told what she can’t do. Wanting to prove herself to her older sisters and do her part for the war effort, the high school French teacher joins the OSS and trains to become a covert operative. And when she completes her training, she finds herself parachuting into occupied France with her instructor to send radio signals to the Resistance.

Major Gerard Lucas has always been a rogue. Transferring to the so-called “Office of Dirty Tricks” to escape a court-martial, he poses as a husband to one of his trainees on a dangerous secret mission. But when their cover is blown after only three weeks, he has to flee with the young schoolteacher to avoid Nazi arrest.

Running for their lives, Emily clings to her mentor’s military experience during the harrowing three-hundred-mile trek to neutral Switzerland. And while Gerard can’t bear the thought of his partner falling into German hands, their forged papers might not be enough to get them over the border.

Purchase Link: https://books2read.com/u/m0Od9l

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Talkshow Thursday: Welcome Susan Pope Sloan

Loving Lydia by Susan Pope Sloan

What was your inspiration for the story?

My book is based on an event that occurred in my home state during the Civil War. The event drew criticism from both the North and the South when it happened but soon faded into near obscurity. When a co-worker told me about it, I decided I wanted to develop a story around it. Unfortunately, it took me a couple of decades to get it done.

What sort of research did you do for your story, and was there an exceptionally interesting tidbit you knew you had to include?

I was fortunate to find a book (at my local library) that gave great detail about the event. The author had done such excellent work that it became my primary resource. She gave several specific details that ended up in either this book or another in my series. Most of my research is done online or in the library, but I love to visit historical sites.

Tell us about your road to publication.

I come from a family of storytellers, so I started writing early. My high school offered a creative
Pixabay/Peter Olexa
writing class, which was my elective for two years. At 18, I had a few short pieces published by my denomination’s publishing house. That started my journey, which continued sporadically for several decades, during which I wrote articles for local newspapers and small-press magazines. Finding Christian writers' groups and conferences gave me the boost I needed to seriously pursue writing and publication. My debut novel came out just after my 72nd birthday.

Did you set out to write a series? Why did you decide to write a series?

My book is part of a series because I had too many characters in my original story. An editor suggested I break it into different books, featuring different main characters in each, so the original turned into three books.

If you were to write a spin-off book about one of your secondary characters, which one would you choose and why?

I’m writing a couple of spin-off books now because I became enamored with one family in the series. Two more will be added to the series, and I also have a prequel that I’m thinking of adding. Sometimes the most unlikely secondary character demands his or her own story.

How do you come up with story lines?

Since I write about true events, part of my story line is already there. It’s fun to imagine how people responded to situations that greatly impacted their lives.

What draws you to the time period about which you write?

I suppose I’m drawn to the Civil War because of Gone with the Wind, which I read in high school. However, my first novel (still unpublished) was based on an Old Testament character. At that time, no publisher was interested in biblical fiction, so I set it aside. History in general fascinates me, so I would enjoy almost any time period.

Why do you write in your particular genre?

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I grew up reading Grace Livingston Hill books, as well as Harlequin’s Love Inspired stories, so writing Christian romance was natural for me. Writing Christian historical romance allows me to indulge my love of history and happy endings.

What is your process for writing? (do you outline, have a special place or time of day you write, etc.) What is your favorite part of the process?

I’m a pantser who’s trying to learn to plot an outline. My books are character-driven, so often my editor has to remind me to think about where the story is going. Although I’m a morning person, I write mostly in the evening after I’ve taken care of my daily obligations. My favorite part is writing dialogue. I usually get my dialogue going first, then go back and add action, setting, and imagery.

How does/did your job prepare you for being a novelist?

After twenty years as a lab technician and a half-dozen as a secretary, I finally landed a corporate writing job, which lasted twenty years. As a novelist, I had to discard a few hard-and-fast rules used in technical and corporate writing, but my jobs did teach me how to do research, how to express vague concepts, and how to be concise.

About Loving Lydia

Two Southerners thrown together by the Union army. He’s on a quest for vengeance. She’s determined to preserve her family.

Lydia Gibson’s life is overturned when the Union Army invades her hometown and burns down the cotton mill where she and her stepdaughter worked. Even worse, she and the other workers are arrested and sent to Marietta, where they wait for the army to send them north.

Confederate Sergeant Seth Morgan finally reaches Marietta to check on his family, but the last thing he expects is to meet a woman who sparks attraction he thought he’d never feel again. Unfortunately, she’s a Yankee prisoner and being sent north to Louisville, Kentucky.

Seth is forced to return to his unit in Virginia, and he never anticipated their next meeting would be when he’s taken to Louisville as a prisoner. While Seth searches the Confederate ranks for the man who murdered his wife, Lydia implores him to ask after her missing nephew. Neither one expects just how far the search will take them, or what they’ll discover along the way.

About Susan Pope Sloan

With a family heritage of singers, songwriters, and storytellers, Susan’s destiny as a writer was settled early on. Her articles have been published sporadically in Church of God magazines and her local newspapers over many years. Drawing on her experiences with Victorian caroling groups, she wrote and self-published three non-fiction books to help others who want to begin a similar group. Her love for history led to her current projects, fictional accounts of a certain event during the Civil War. For a change of pace, she occasionally enjoys writing children’s stories. Apart from writing, Susan is involved in Toastmasters and Word Weavers groups in her hometown of Columbus, Georgia. She is also a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). Susan and husband Ricky have three adult children and five fabulous grandsons.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Susan-Pope-Sloan/author/B0CRLCXF8W
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/susanpsloan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/susanpopesloan

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Traveling Tuesday: Escape Routes

Traveling Tuesday: Escape Routes

In Spies & Sweethearts, book 1 in my Sisters in Services series and celebrating its fourth birthday this month, my characters’ cover is blown, and they must escape from occupied France. Dozens of routes were in place all over Europe, and many were not for the faint of heart as they wound through deep forests, clung to the side of mountains, or snaked through heavily occupied cities and villages. Here are three of the most famous escape routes:

Pat O'Leary Line: Centered on the Mediterranean Coast, this route was used primarily to bring servicemen from the north of France to Marseille, over the Pyrenees Mountains into Spain. By crossing the mountains, official checkpoints were bypassed as well as contact with German patrols. The name of the route was taken from the alias of Belgium doctor Albert Guerisse who claimed to be French Canadian Pat O'Leary when he was picked up by the Vichy French Coast Guard during a 1941 mission. Ultimately taking over command of the escape route, Guerisse used the alias for the duration of the war. One report indicates that between 1940 and 1944, over 33,000 successful escapes were made along the Pyrenees (a mountain range over 300 miles long that reaches a height of over 11,000 feet)

The Comete Route: This line started in Brussels went through the south of France into Spain and then
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to Gibraltar. Created by a young woman from Belgium named Andree de Jonghe, the line was officially sanctioned by British intelligence in 1940 after Andree showed up at the British consulate with a British soldier. When France came under direct Nazi rule, the line became dangerous to use, and by 1942 it had begun to crumble because of betrayals and arrests.

The Shelburne Route: Created in 1944, Wikipedia claims this route is the only escape line not infiltrated by the Nazis. Perhaps because of its short-lived usage, perhaps because it began so close to the end of the war. From Paris, escapees made their way to the beach at Anse Cochat near Plouha where they were shipped across the English Channel to Dartmouth. The use of this line was suspended when preparations for the D-Day invasion began.

Pixabay/Jacqueline Macou 

No matter which escape line was used individuals were given clothes, identity papers, and food before setting off on their journey. Guides took them to a location where the next guide would pick them up. Members who participated did so at great risk to themselves and their families. 


Spies & Sweethearts

She wants to do her part. He’s just trying to stay out of the stockade. Will two agents deep behind enemy lines find capture… or love?

1942. Emily Strealer is tired of being told what she can’t do. Wanting to prove herself to her older sisters and do her part for the war effort, the high school French teacher joins the OSS and trains to become a covert operative. And when she completes her training, she finds herself parachuting into occupied France with her instructor to send radio signals to the Resistance.

Major Gerard Lucas has always been a rogue. Transferring to the so-called “Office of Dirty Tricks” to escape a court-martial, he poses as a husband to one of his trainees on a dangerous secret mission. But when their cover is blown after only three weeks, he has to flee with the young schoolteacher to avoid Nazi arrest.

Running for their lives, Emily clings to her mentor’s military experience during the harrowing three-hundred-mile trek to neutral Switzerland. And while Gerard can’t bear the thought of his partner falling into German hands, their forged papers might not be enough to get them over the border.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Fiction Friday: April's New Releases!

April 2024 New Releases

More in-depth descriptions of these books can be found on the ACFW Fiction Finder website

Contemporary Romance:

Love in Tandem by Becca Kinzer -- She’s perfectly content leading a quiet life in her small hometown. He’s an adventurer with unquenchable wanderlust. The two couldn’t be any more opposite if they tried. But a tandem bicycle and a 500-mile road trip just might change all that. (Contemporary Romance from Tyndale House)

Playing For Keeps by Deborah Raney -- The love story of Art and Maddie continues in Playing for Keeps. But their fledgling marriage faces challenges when expectations collide. When Maddie is offered a chance to take a research trip to Paris, it appears a short separation might help them both figure out what happily-ever-after looks like for them. Yet even the beautiful City of Lights is lonely without the man she loves with all her heart. (Contemporary Romance, Independently Published [ACFW QIP])

Safe Haven Ranch by Louise M Gouge -- It should be easy for widow Olivia Ortiz to despise Will Mattson, the man keeping her from buying the ranchland she needs for herself and her daughter, Emily. But when Emily becomes instant friends with Will’s nephew, Jemmy, Olivia and Will find themselves growing closer as well. And as Olivia’s feelings for the handsome cowboy shift, competing for the property could be the start of something more… (Contemporary Romance from Love Inspired [Harlequin])

General Contemporary and Women’s Fiction:

Cookies & Eggnog from Welcombe Bay by Kate Darroch -- The prequel to the first novel in the Sweets By the Sea series, "Thanksgiving in Welcombe Bay." In this Christmas novella we learn that Lily met her former husband Gary on her 18th birthday, and we see how Gary establishes his ascendancy over her. We watch God's love operating in her life through the actions of her grandparents and her vicar's wife, and learn why that ultimately leads Lily to a moment of truth when she must seek to reclaim her wavering faith. (General Contemporary, Independently Published [Ad Astra Press, Inc.])

Always Think of Me by Lori Keesey -- Tyrus Cal, TC for short, had no plans to leave his party boy life, but when he met Ginny at an outdoor music festival, he fell. Hard. When their budding relationship ends abruptly, TC moves on, assuming he won't get a second chance with the captivating Ginny. But then he does. Just not in the way he expected. (General Contemporary, Mascot Books)

Why the Mountains Stand by Ashlyn McKayla Ohm -- When skating coach Addisyn Miles becomes responsible for Kenzie, a turbulent new student, she's blindsided by the girl's troubling link to her own past. But when Kenzie rediscovers a local legend, more is at stake than either of them realized. Now, Addisyn must choose between allowing the secrets to destroy them both...or finally finding the purpose behind their shared pain. (Contemporary, Independently Published [ACFW QIP])

General Historical:

Secrets of the Wildflowers by Sarah Talbert -- After a tragic event involving the sacrifice of her brother, Miu escapes the stifling gods and patriarchal norms of ancient Ur, embarking on a transformative quest for freedom, like wildflowers in bloom; she grapples with control issues and learns to trust in Abraham's personal god, Yahweh, finding a community where she can live as she was created to be. (General Historical, Eternal Threads Publishing)

Historical Romance:

Earning the Mountain Man’s Trust by Misty M Beller -- Naomi Wyatt has finally given up on the man who once promised to love her for the rest of his life—then disappeared with no way to contact him. She’s now a single mother with a beautiful baby girl to provide for. When Jonah Coulter asks for her hand in marriage, she knows she would be hard-pressed to find a better husband and father. But when her first love rides onto the ranch property saying he’d been searching for her for months, her heart is shredded once again. Before she has time to catch her breath though, a new threat appears on the horizon. This time she has far more at stake than her heart, and only a Divine hand can turn this disaster for their good. (Historical Romance, Independently Published [ACFW QIP])

The Sleuth of Blackfriars Lane by Michelle Griep -- As co-owner of The Blackfriars Lane Enquiry Agency, Kit Forge fearlessly takes on a missing child case, only to find herself and her husband, Chief Inspector Jackson Forge, risking everything to save their own baby from the dangerous criminals involved. (Historical Romance from Barbour Publishing)

A Spring at The Greenbrier by Sandra Merville Hart -- Marilla has resigned herself to spinsterhood in order to help care for her sister but more than that obstacle stands in the way of courting the wealthy brother of her sister's best friend. (Historical Romance from Wild Heart Books)

Dreams for Courage by Shanna Hatfield -- When a private investigator's trail leads her to an aloof rancher, will love give them the courage they need to face his past and dream of a future together? (Historical Romance from Wholesome Hearts Publishing)

Even in Death by Rebecca Hemlock -- Private Detective Trix Fredson wants her husband’s murder solved, and the couple responsible live in her old home. Her husband’s best friend, Ted Mcallister pulled some strings to get Trix the job at the detective agency. He promised to help her solve Ron’s murder, which would be difficult. But how can he do that and keep himself from revealing his true feelings for her? That was going to be even harder. (Historical Romance from Bluecap Publishing)


The Garden Girls by Jessica R Patch -- On a remote Outer Banks island, a serial killer collects his prized specimens. And to stop him, an FBI agent must confront his own twisted past. (Contemporary Psychological Suspense Thriller from Love Inspired [Harlequin])

Romantic Suspense:

Lethal Danger by Jerusha Agen -- This K-9 team is trained to eliminate threats. This threat could eliminate them. (Romantic Suspense, Independently Published [ACFW QIP])

One Good Time by Luana Ehrlich -- CIA covert operative Titus Ray is asked to do the unthinkable and allow a terrorist to enter the country illegally in order to stop an attack on the U. S., but as he tracks the terrorist to his destination, he suffers a devastating loss that threatens to derail the mission. (Romantic Suspense, Independently Published [ACFW QIP])

Grave Consequences by Elle E. Kay -- Cate Garrison is working as a wildlife biologist for the Pennsylvania Game Commission and crosses paths with a mysterious park ranger whose dangerous past has caught up with him. (Romantic Suspense, Independently Published [ACFW QIP])

Yukon Wilderness Evidence by Darlene L. Turner -- When skeletal remains are uncovered in the Yukon forest, forensic botanist Keeley Ash is called to the crime scene—and ends up abducted. She never expects her ex, paramedic Brett Ryerson, to come to her rescue, or her gathered evidence to be linked to a cold case. And when their son—who Brett never knew existed—is kidnapped, they’ll stop at nothing to save him and outrun the hunters determined to silence Keeley. (Romantic Suspense from Love Inspired [Harlequin])

Speculative Fiction:

Never Forget the Truth by F.D. Adkins -- When the forces of darkness masquerade in the light, is your sword sharpened in TRUTH and wielded to fight? (Speculative Fiction, Independently Published [ACFW QIP])


Braving Strange Waters by Sarah Hanks -- Stella Lindy is supposed to be soaking up the sunshine with her bridesmaids on a bachelorette cruise to Hawaii. But when she hits the wrong button on the elevator, the glamorous luxury of the modern ship is replaced with the Missouri River steamboat Arabia filled with strangers—and a mysterious doctor informs her it is 1856. Communicating through an antique mailbox, her friends on the cruise try to guide her back home before the steamboat sinks, but Stella finds herself caught in a tangled web between pro-slavery Border Ruffians and anti-slavery Jayhawkers. Standing up for what’s right in the face of peril and uncertainty might mean never making it home. (General/Split-Time, Independently Published [SonFlower Books])

Young Adult:

Protector by Megan Schaulis -- Nanotech, royal romance, and biblical themes combine in this YA dystopian retelling of Esther—perfect for fans of The Selection or The Hunger Games. (Young Adult from WhiteCrown Publishing)

  Plus check out these recent additions to Fiction Finder published within the past month:

Deep Trouble by Mary Connealy -- When an aimless wanderer and fearless female determined to find a city of gold are forced to work together and set out to find the treasure, trouble is hot on their trail. (Historical (Western) Romance)

His Unexpected Grandchild by Myra Johnson -- This toddler will steal his heart...Just in time to open it… (Contemporary Romance)

An Unlikely Arrangement by Cindy Patterson -- Abigail stands to lose all if Garrett Barringer sees past her physical beauty and uncovers the ugliness of her imperfect past. Will Abigail continue on the condemned path she’s fashioned for herself, or trust that God wants a future for her she never believed possible? (Historical Romance)

Phooey Kerflooey by Kristen Joy Wilks -- Through a raucous tornado of personal growth, the boys and Phooey work together to save the day. But when the dust (and squirrel poo) settles, can they convince Dad and Mom to let them keep their puppy princess? (Middle-grade Chapter book)

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Talkshow Thursday: Welcome back, Donna Schlachter!

Hearts of Midway – by Donna Schlachter

Coming up with another romantic mystery set along the Pony Express Trail has been a lot of fun, because every story requires research—and maybe a road trip. I love visiting places I write about. There is nothing like standing, in this case, in the middle of a field of prairie grass, listening to the Red Wing Blackbirds call to each other. Trip over the wagon wheel ruts. Imagine what this patch of land looked like a hundred and fifty-plus years ago. Before the train, that splits this vast acreage in two came through. Before the road carrying thousands of passengers at unimagined speeds for the time. Before the telephone and electric lines were there.

If you look on a map of Nebraska, you won’t find Midway Station. That’s because it is not, and has never been, a hamlet, village, town, or city. Midway Station was one of the stops along the Pony Express route, which ran—and still exists in many areas—from St. Joseph, Missouri to San Francisco, California.

However, if you’ve ever passed near or through Gothenburg, Nebraska, you might well have seen the
Photo: Pixabay/Mike
cabin called Midway Station. It is one of the few original stations that remains at its original location. Much more famous, perhaps, is the Sam Machette station in the city of Gothenburg, which was moved in 1931 and turned into a museum in the mid-1950s which attracts more than thirty thousand visitors each year.

If you’ve read anything about the Pony Express, you know that a series of stations were set up to service the riders. Some legs of the route between stations were less than ten miles, particularly if the landscape was tough to traverse. A rider would leave his home station, riding all day and sometimes late into the night, changing horses and gathering mail at each station, until he reached the next home station, usually around a hundred and fifty miles away.

Midway Station, near the town of Gothenburg, Nebraska, wasn’t a home station, but it offered the riders and townsfolk the opportunity to meet and mingle at times. The next romantic mystery, which is set at this station and the surrounding area, will include missing horses, a missing Pony Express rider, a sheriff’s daughter with a nose for mystery and a penchant for wearing trousers, and a Pony Express rider with a secret. You won’t want to miss it. 

The book releases in August, but is available for pre-order here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CYXRF4WF and you can check out the rest of the series at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B098WRMTM3

About Donna:

A hybrid author, Donna writes squeaky-clean historical and contemporary suspense. She has been published more than 60 times in books; is a member of several writers' groups; facilitates a critique group; teaches writing classes; and judges in writing contests. She loves history and research, traveling extensively for both, and is an avid oil painter. She is taking all the information she’s learned along the way about the writing and publishing process, and is coaching committed career writers. Learn more at https://www.donnaschlachter.com/the-purpose-full-writer-coaching-programs. Check out her coaching group on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/604220861766651

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