Talkshow Thursday: Author Donna Schlacter
I'm so pleased to welcome author Donna Schlacter back for a visit. She's got a fabulous new story out, so grab your favorite beverage, draw up a chair, and listen in!
Linda: Thanks for joining me today. You have a new
novella out with Barbour Publishing about the Pony Express. Where did you find
your inspiration for this story?
Donna: I knew Mary
Davis from the ACFW Colorado group, and met her at an ACFW conference. I asked
her what she was working on, and she said she was putting together a proposal
for a novella collection about the Pony Express. I said, “I’d love to be part
of a group like that”, and she said, “We have all our authors, but if anything
changes, I’ll let you know.” A month later she emailed to say one of the
authors had dropped out, and was I still interested? I sure was. I read a lot
about the Pony Express, visited sites in Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Kansas,
and fell in love with the folklore and romance of the Pony Express.
LM: You have
published lots of books. What is your favorite part of the writing process?
Donna: I love writing
The End J Seriously, I love
coming up with the ideas and then putting those down on paper, seeing the what
ifs get answered by filling in the blanks.
LM: Your
historical novels don’t center around one particular era. When you write, how
do you go about choosing which time period to use, and do you have a favorite?

LM: What do you
do to prepare yourself for writing? For example do you listen to music or set
up in a specific place?
Donna: I’m always ready to write. But when I sit
down to write, I pray: Lord, thank You for letting me be the first one to see
and hear this story. Thank You for trusting me to transcribe this story for
You. Keep my fingers nimble and my ears focused on You. Amen.
Donna: Somewhere
warm. Where I can sit, and read, and write, without internet (unless I want
it), and without cell phones (unless it’s my agent calling).
LM: What is your
next project?
Donna: I am currently
under contract with Barbour Books for two more novellas. They’re written and
just need a final edit. Then I’m going to write the next cozy mystery for my
alter ego, Leeann Betts, to be published in June.
LM: Where can folks find you?
Thanks for visiting!
READERS: Here's the link to Donna's book:
Hi Linda, thanks so much for hosting me today. I really enjoyed connecting with your readers.