Talkshow Thursday: June Foster's Story Behind the Story
Harvest of Blessing was inspired by a real life couple my
husband and I met in Pensacola, Florida. Several years ago we were traveling
and living in our RV full time. Since my husband is retired army, we generally
stayed on military posts in their RV parks. This year we stayed at Pensacola
Naval Air Station and attended the military chapel.
One Sunday we got to talking to a great couple and
wound up going to lunch with them after church. Their story amazed me. They
were both visiting the graves of their dead spouses when they met. They even
pointed out the graveyard as we passed on the way to lunch.
Cupid went to work, and they eventually married. Their
story has been on my mind for several years, and I finally got the chance to
tell it in A Harvest of Blessing where
my hero and heroine who're in their mid fifties meet in a graveyard. But that's
where the similarity ends. I deviated from the real couple and made Nadia's
husband a jerk and Jared's daughter an obstacle between the two of them.

The carving is special to me as it is the artist's
rendition of a loaf of bread and a chalice, an important element in Christianity—communion
or the Lord's Supper.
I loved writing A
Harvest of Blessing as this is the first book I've penned where the
characters are middle aged. I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed
writing it.
Book Blurb:

When Nadia accidentally sits on a stranger's lap in the
graveyard where Jon is buried, she's horrified to learn the good-looking guy
with salt and pepper hair is her new boss.
Jared Abrams is a widower who longs to move on. He's intrigued
by the beautiful woman who puts God first in her life. But as their friendship
grows, an unexpected obstacle separates them—his daughter Sarah. No one can
replace her mother. Especially not Nadia Maguire whose son harmed her in high
If Nadia can't find the funds to get her house
ready to sell, she'll have to balance two jobs with no time left to nurture a
relationship with the man she loves. Will she and Jared find a Harvest of
Blessings, or a season of drought?
Purchase Link:
Thanks for hosting me today on Talkshow Thursday, Linda. I enjoyed sharing about my book. Happy Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteI have read A Harvest of Blessings and love the story. I always enjoy stories by June Foster. Inspiring and uplifting stories. :-) Happy Thanksgiving!