Thursday, February 25, 2021

Talkshow Thursday: Meet Jamie Adams

Talkshow Thursday: Meet Jamie Adams

Linda: Welcome and thanks for joining me today. Congratulations on your most recent release Cold Creek Mountain. The premise sounds intriguing. What was your inspiration for the story? 

Jamie: I think it’s interesting that opposites attract. My husband and I are like night and day and very happy. This story is not based on us in any way, but I wanted to create two characters that were as different as I could imagine and see how they got along. 

LM: How do you come up with your characters? Are they based on any real people in your life, perhaps even yourself? 

Jamie: My characters are nothing like me. They often have character traits I admire in others, but I’ve never based one on someone I know. Once I start writing their personalities seem to come out on their own. I’m often surprised by what I learn about them. 

LM: Research is an important part of writing, especially historic fiction. What sort of research did you do for Cold Creek Mountain? Was there any sort of “aha” tidbit you found that you knew needed to be included? 

Jamie: Research is an added bonus to writing historical fiction. I could easily get lost ‘exploring’ the
era. I didn’t have any ‘aha’ moment in this story. Most of my research was making sure plant food sources were accurate to the season since my characters spend a majority of the trip living off the land. If I ever end up stranded in the Colorado mountains in early fall, I’ve got an idea on how to forage food. 
LM: What is your writing process? (e.g., Do you come up with the plotline first? Characters? Do you outline the entire story before beginning or just sit down and start) 

Jamie: My stories are character-driven. Once I get a good idea of who they are and where they come from, I start to plot as I’m writing. It’s not the best way but plotting first stifles my writing process. 

LM: In addition to being a writer, you also teach ESL to kids in China (remotely, of course!) How did that come about, and how do you juggle your multiple responsibilities? 

Jamie: I enjoy teaching English as a second language to children. It’s amazing how fast they can learn new language skills when they are young. I homeschooled my children and when they graduated, I had time on my hands. One day I saw an ad on Facebook for ESL teachers. I’m glad I did. The hours are crazy because of the time difference but it’s an extremely rewarding job. I get up at 3 or 4 am each morning and work until 9 then I nap until noon. It’s not something I could have done when I had young children at home. 
LM: What is your idea of the perfect vacation? 

Jamie: A private beach somewhere warm with my family. We went to Gulf Shores one year in September during the off season. It was still hot and there were very few other people. Some of my favorite family memories are from that vacation. 
LM: What is your next project? 
Jamie: I just finished a book set in the Ozarks. A small-town sheriff meets his match when a wagon load of women comes to town in need of shelter. I enjoy writing strong female characters and this story has some secondary characters who are amazing. The heroine has a secret that keeps her and the sheriff apart until he wins her trust. 
LM: Where can folks find you on the web? 


About Cold Creek Mountain:

Lilly Fletcher's last duty to her recently deceased employer is to deliver his orphaned grandchildren from Omaha, Nebraska to their uncle on Cold Creek Mountain. The final step of the journey requires securing a guide, which is not an easy task for a governess who prides herself on being independent.

Ex-scout Hayden Dawson has been grieving the tragic loss of his family for several years. When he's asked to take a fancy governess from the city along with her wards up the mountain, he refuses at first because he has a ranch to run. However, outnumbered by his foreman and his meddling childhood teacher, he's coerced out of retirement for one last trip.

When the ride up Cold Creek Mountain doesn't go as planned, can these two wounded hearts work together to protect the children? Can Lilly find the strength to leave her wards behind or does God have a better path for her future?

Purchase Link:

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