Thursday, May 16, 2024

Talkshow Thursday: Welcome Beth Wiseman!

Talkshow Thursday: Welcome Beth Wiseman!

What was your inspiration for the story?

This book has been percolating in my mind for a couple of decades. When I was a newspaper reporter, I was one of the first people on the scene of a horrific accident with no survivors. In my book, I offer a “Note from the Author” that explains everything. But to avoid spoilers, let me just say that what occurred following that accident renewed my faith in miracles and the many ways God works in our lives. I based the real-life story on this incident, but I also added a romance because I believe in happy endings all around.

How do you develop your characters? (e.g. decide on their vocation, names, etc.)?

I have a list of Amish names that I often refer to when writing an Amish book. However, for my non-Amish characters, I look around on Facebook. So, if a reader finds his or her name in a book (especially if it’s an unusual name), I probably found it trolling on Facebook, lol. As for vocations, I tend to stick with what I know so I don’t have to do a tremendous amount of research for a career I might not know about. Having said that, I’m not a doctor, and I’ve consulted people in the medical field several times for protocol and diagnosis.

How has your book changed since your first draft?

My writing process involves a list of notes at the bottom of the manuscript. As the story ebbs and flows, I write down ideas that no one will ever see, not even my editors. Some are far-fetched story fluctuations that never reach fruition. Other plot structures develop from these ideas and notes that get incorporated into the book when I go through the next developmental round.

If you were to write a spin-off book about one of your secondary characters, which one would
Photo: Pixabay/Patou Ricard
you choose and why?

Again, I’d like to avoid spoilers, but I think I’d dip my toes in unchartered territory and write about the dog—Ollie. I feel like he had a lot of adventures, and even though I’ll never know his exact journey, I’d like to speculate about how he found his way to my protagonist.

What draws you to the time-period about which you write?

All my books are contemporary, both Amish and non-Amish. I’ve never been a history buff, and it exhausts me just thinking about all the research I would need to do to write a historical novel, lol. I admire those authors who take the time to research and ensure that their books are authentic.

Why do you write in your particular genre?

I’ve traveled to Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Indiana in search of ‘all things Amish’ and educated myself about the different practices that vary between states, and even districts. My readers continue to devour stories about a simpler way of life. Even though I step out of my genre from time to time (i.e. the bestseller, The Messenger), I always return to my literary Amish roots.

What is your process for writing? (do you outline, have a special place or time of day you write, etc.) What is your favorite part of the process?

Photo: Pixabay/Peter Olexa
My process revolves around my other commitments, the weather, and my overall attitude for the day. I don’t write unless I’m in a good mood, lol. Otherwise, my attitude will transmit to the pages, and that’s not what my readers are looking for. I NEVER outline. If I’m not surprised by a story, then my readers won’t be either. My favorite part of the process is when the characters pop onto the pages and introduce themselves, then slowly let me in on their motivations. It’s a journey for me and my characters. I never know where we’ll end up.

What is your next project?

The more I think about it, I’m considering writing about Ollie, the dog in An Amish Healing. I also have a file of potential books I’d like to write. I’ll see where God calls me. Ada Glick enjoys her role as the resident veterinarian in her small Amish community. Even though true love hasn’t found her yet, Ada occupies her time by caring for her neighbors’ fur-babies after receiving informal training from a veterinarian in town.

About An Amish Healing

When an injured dog shows up unexpectedly on her front porch, Ada tends to him with the care she’s always given to animals in need. During the time she cares for the dog, Ada becomes attached to her furry new friend. Ollie—as she names him—doesn’t have a collar and isn’t well enough to travel, however she knows she must take him to be checked for an identification chip. Is there an owner who is missing him?

Jeremiah Huyard has suffered a terrible loss. His family is grieving the deaths of two loved ones, a tragedy that has Jeremiah roiling in grief. When he sets eyes on the beautiful Ada at his relatives’ funerals, he is unexpectedly distracted, but he is also sure he will never see her again.

Can a misplaced dog and a miracle lead Ada and Jeremiah onto the path that God has laid out for them?

Pre-order link:

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a delightful snd charming story. It will ge interest to find out about the vet practice in an Amish town.
