Talkshow Thursday: Introducing TM Brown
I'm pleased to welcome author TM Brown today. It is always fun to discover new authors, so I hope you'll take some time and get to know this interesting writer!

TM: Nope. I ventured down this road facing the formidable
task of writing my first full-length novel. It wasn’t until the BETA reads did
someone suggest I consider doing a sequel. By that point, my writing coach
encouraged me to do so also. Thankfully, Testament proved to come together much
smoother compared to the time and effort invested in creating Sanctuary.
LM: The age old question for writers – are you a planner
or a “panster,” and what is
your favorite part of the writing process?
TM: Okay. Sanctuary was written literally as a “panster.” Without
an outline I allowed the characters to develop and share their story. Ergo, the
final version of Sanctuary emerged after several rewrites and story tweaks
consulting with my editor and writing coach. By the time I began creating
Testament's story, I had attended a writing workshop and learned about the
value of plotting and outlining before any writing begins. I became sold and
now I am a planner. Of course, an occasional twist or turn occurs in all
creative writing, but creating a preset outline and organizing the scenes
prevents the characters from taking me down rabbit trails.
LM: Research is an important part of the writing process.
How did you go about researching Testament: An Unexpected Return and did
you discover any extra special tidbits of information?
TM: Being old school I have hundreds of printed out
setting details, character profiles, and photos that I have used throughout the
development of my stories. Yes, my stories are fiction, but I want readers to
buy into the plausibility of the setting, characters, historical links used to
create the backstory for time-lost Shiloh. The most satisfying feedback I
received from readers came when they asked how accurate my story was? Was it
based on actual events? And, where is the real Shiloh located? A smile always
accompanies my responses.
LM: You started your writing career after a full career in
the business world. What prompted you to start writing?
TM: My grandkids! I wanted to leave a legacy of love to
them. However, my wife gets the credit.
She told me plainly that my grandkids
are unlikely to read the hundreds of devotions, bible studies, and sermons I’ve
written, but they would likely read a story written by their Poppy. So I
reminded myself that Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables to relay truths and
they followed him wanting to hear more. I just expanded the concept into a
novel idea. I pray that long after I am kicking up cloud dust, my grandsons and
granddaughter will slide a dusty copy of one of my books and read some of it to
their kids.
LM: Who are your literary heroes?
TM: John Steinbeck and Ernest Hemingway from my younger
days. In recent years, John Grisham, especially his earlier books, influenced
my love for writing about the South, just like he wrote about Ford County,
Mississippi as the setting for many of his novels. The Painted House likely
sparked my belief I could write my Shiloh stories. I would be remiss not to
include Charles Martin - When Crickets Cry struck a chord in me and inspired me
to write my own contemporary, heart-wrenching story about a time-lost Georgia
small-town with links to Atlanta.
LM: Here are some quickies:
Favorite food: Any sit-down meal that might include, "pass
the black-eyed peas and fried okra please.” In other words, any country meal
shared with family around a dining room table.
Favorite vacation spot: A mountain cabin overlooking a lake or
river where laughter and giggles fill the air around an open-fire as S'mores
get passed around.
Favorite place to write: Alone at home, scooted beneath my desk
at home tapping on my iMac keyboard after several hours scribbling notes and
sketching scene ideas into my notebooks.
LM: Book three in your series is slated for publication in
2019. What other projects do you have in the works?
TM: After these three books I have a couple more ideas
floating around in my head, but I am also enjoying the recent opportunity of
helping aspiring authors. I have already conducted workshops and spoken in
front of groups about “Authorpreneurship.”
Today it takes more than writing a good story to get your book read, and I try
to help authors understand how to confidently market and promote their books.
My wife and I also have plenty of plans to travel and spoil our grandchildren,
which will take precedence in setting my writing calendar in the months ahead.
LM: Where can folks find you on the web?
Social Media Sites:
About the book: In this sequel to Sanctuary, A Legacy of Memories, Theo and Liddy are finally sinking deep roots into their new hometown of Shiloh. Friendships are blossoming as Liddy ponders an offer to become the new art teacher at Shiloh High while Theo sends off his manuscript for Jessie's Story to be published. Life appears to be settling down, but ominous shadows from the town's past herald more tragedy in little old Shiloh.
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Thank you, Linda. This was by far one of the most fun interviews I have engaged in.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself! I hope you'll visit again.