Thursday, May 23, 2019

Talkshow Thursday: Welcome Back, Jennifer Slattery

Welcome Back, Jennifer Slattery

Linda:  Welcome back! Congratulations on your latest release, Restoring Her Faith, with Love Inspired. How did your relationship with Love Inspired come about, and where did you get your story idea?

Jennifer: Normally, my story ideas start with a character—her struggle, fears, dreams, etc. But this time, it began with a church. A series of churches, actually, sprinkled throughout Texas. They’re known as the Painted Churches of Texas, and they are gorgeous. I was immediately drawn to their artistry, the symbolism in many of their images, and the history behind them. As I spent time learning about these churches, Faith, my heroine, emerged, and the plot took form.

LM: Your male protagonist is a building contractor. What kind of research did you do to ensure accuracy or are you already proficient in the field?

Jennifer: Oh, my, a lot! I had to learn about restoration, damage that comes from bat infestations, fire damage, fire damage cleanup (like cleaning up fire extinguisher residue), stained glass window restoration, and more! Luckily, I found all I needed and more online and was even able to watch various restoration projects, in part, on YouTube. I don’t know how writers survived before the Internet!

 LM: You write fiction and non-fiction. How are they different for you as a writer? What sort of similarities are there?

Jennifer: You ask such great questions! My fiction experience has actually proven helpful in my nonfiction writing as I often write from a testimonial approach. I tell stories, whether they’re real or
those made up in my head. With nonfiction, I intentionally present a take-away message whereas with fiction, I simply let my imagination go. I find enjoyment with both, but some days my muse will prefer one over the other. Often, I write both in a given day.

LM: What is one thing you wish you knew how to do?

Jennifer: Say no to ice cream! Ha! And play an instrument. However, I’m a bit stingy with my time and recognize to learn, I’d need to devote time to classes and practicing. Time my muse is reticent to allow!

LM: If money were no object, what is your idea of the ultimate vacation?

Jennifer: Hm … I’m pretty simple and enjoy anywhere I can experience outdoor beauty. But my brother and sister-in-law live in Korea, and I’ve only been to see them once. (Luckily they come to the states pretty frequently, but I still feel like I don’t see them much.) So, if I had the funds, I’d probably go see them, with my husband and daughter, once every couple years.

LM: What writers have most influenced your career?

Jennifer: I’ve been able to connect with a lot of amazing writers, but the three that have impacted me most are Shannon Taylor Vannatter, Kathleen Freeman, and Diana Prusik. Those ladies are treasures and such encouragers! They’re all crazy talented, have taught me a lot through critiques, but even more, they’ve continually bolstered my heart.

LM: You’ve got another book with Love Inspired coming out in September. What other projects are on the docket for you this year?

Jennifer: Oh, that’s a loaded question! Haha! My ministry, Wholly Loved Ministries, is finishing up edits on our first daily devotional, which is being published on Crosswalk and iBelieve now and will go to print, God willing, near the end of this year. We’re also in the writing phase of our second devotional, which will also publish on Crosswalk and iBelieve and be released by us in print and ebook form. I recently sent a book proposal to my agent I’m waiting to hear back from. After that, I’ll begin working on a Bible study my ministry plans to release in 2020. (Our first study released in 2019 with video and audio components. You can check it out HERE and download a free Kindle copy HERE.)

LM: Where can folks find you on the web?

Jennifer: All over? Just kidding. Sort of. They can visit my website at I also have a devotional blog on Crosswalk; you can find that HERE. You can connect with my ministry HERE, friend me on Facebook HERE (but if your privacy settings don’t allow me to see you bio, please send me a message so I know you’re a real person. J There are a lot of face accounts out there!) They can also connect with me on Instagram HERE and Twitter HERE, or subscribe to Wholly Loved’s YouTube channel HERE.

About the book:

She left belief behind…Yet this family could change her mind.

With two boys to raise, a fledgling contracting business to run and a family ranch to keep afloat, widower Drake Owens finds his hands aren't just full they're overflowing. When Faith Nichols is hired to help him renovate the church, he's drawn to the beautiful artist, but he can't fall for a woman who isn't a believer. Can love restore her faith and his heart?

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