Traveling Tuesday: Iowa
Isn’t Just Corn
One of the items on my “bucket list” is to visit every
one of the United States. As an East Coast girl, it’s been fairly easy to make
my way from the tip of Florida to the end of Maine as well as many of the
states this side of the Mississippi River. Only in the last few years have I
been able to expand my travel opportunities toward the west.
Each time I’ve visited one of the Great Plains states
or the Southwest, I’m struck by the vastness of this country. During a visit to
South Dakota we drove pass several miles
of sunflower fields. The sight of those gorgeous flowers remains with me to
this day. Iowa is one of the next states on my list.
Part of the “Corn Belt,” they were an integral part of
WWII in more areas than food production, however, farm production more than
doubled from 1940 to 1945, with a value over $1.2 million. As with many states,
Iowa factories converted from domestic products to war materiel, such as Solar
Aircraft in Des Moines, John Deere in Ankeny, and the Army Ordnance Plant in
West Burlington.

As with all states, Iowa’s men and women served with
distinction all over the globe. One of the most famous story about Iowan’s service
men is that of the Sullivan brothers. They enlisted with the caveat that they
be allowed to serve together, and the Navy granted their request. Less than a
year into the war, their ship, the USS Juneau was torpedoed, and all five were
killed in action. Because of that incident, the Armed Forces instituted the “Sole
Survivor” policy.
Toward the end of the war, Japan launched nearly
10,000 “Fu-Go” balloon bombs. The first weapon with intercontinental range, the
hydrogen balloons were loaded with incendiary and antipersonnel bombs. Designed
as an inexpensive weapon, each balloon was expected to travel along the jet
stream from the Pacific Ocean and drop their bombs into America and Canada.
Highly ineffective because of extreme weather conditions. Only 300 of the bombs
were ever found to have reached their intended targets resulting in one
incident that caused the deaths of six people who touched the balloon causing
it to detonate.
Have you visited this diverse and lush state?
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