Talkshow Thursday: Meet Chad Pettit
Linda: Thanks for joining me today. Congratulations on your latest release Fate of the Watchman. Where did you get your inspiration for the plot?
Chad: It started out as a short story I wrote in high school about a man trapped in a moment of time, but that was more of a horror story with no direction or purpose. Years later, after becoming a follower of Christ, I found myself in a state of apathy. I knew that there was suffering in the world, but I was a little too self-centered. Still in love with that concept of time freezing, I thought: What would it be like if we could see just a glimpse of the amount of pain and suffering that takes place in a single moment? How would that affect us? The story took off from there.
LM: Your first two books are indie published, and your most recent is traditionally published. What was different in the publishing process with Fate?
Chad: The differences were astounding, really. I had support because my publisher is like a family. They care about their authors, and it really motivated me to put more effort into marketing, something I’m not a fan of or good at. They set me up with reviewers and bloggers, helped me with the creative side of cover design and back cover copy, and were just a friend when I needed advice. Ambassador International is the real deal. It’s a CHRISTIAN publisher.
LM: In addition to being an author, you also have a speaking ministry and hold a job as a teacher, not to mention having a family. How do you balance three demanding activities with your personal life?

So, by all means, contact me if you’d like me to come be a blessing to your church, group, or business!
LM: What do you do to prepare yourself for writing? For example do you listen to music or set up in a specific place?
Chad: I used to listen to music, but I found it too distracting. I can basically write anywhere, but necessity of writing early in the morning while everyone is still asleep has me writing on my couch. It’s the most comfortable, but I’m not one of those writers that needs to set up or do any kind of rituals. I can write anywhere, unless I’m distracted. I have no idea how people write in coffee shops.
LM: What is the quirkiest thing you’ve ever done?
Chad: Should I let my wife answer this one? A lot of people think I’m this really serious person because I don’t walk around smiling, and I’m basically just chill. But the truth is, I’m a total mess. I sing in the car, but it’s more like a full on concert. I dance when no one is around, do voices to entertain myself. I’m weird. One time, on a spur of the moment, I was explaining something to one of my classes, and I randomly leaned back, all the way to the floor Matrix style. They’ve been trying to get me to do that and catch it on camera ever since. No thanks; my knee still hurts!
LM: Here are some quickies:
Favorite movie: The Martian. Great story, great acting. I could watch it over and fact, I have. Take out some of the language, and it would be perfect.
Favorite Food: If I can put it in a bowl, it’s a winner. I love pasta but none of that alfredo stuff. Yuck.
Favorite Season: It used to be winter, but arthritis in my knee and neck have put a damper on that. Does that make me sound old? Oops. I still love the Christmas season more than anything, but, as a teacher, summer is awesome too.
LM: What is your next project?
Chad: I’m working on the sequel to Fate of the Watchman. It’s called Fate of the Redeemed, and it continues the story of Lester Sharp and his “guide,” Draven and really dives into spiritual warfare. It’s a supernatural thriller. I’ve always wondered what happens after the credits, and I hate it when a series jumps months or years ahead without sufficient back story for how it got there. With this series, each installment picks up immediately after the previous book.
LM: Where can folks find you on the web?
Chad: I’m on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), but the best way to stay in contact with me is by visiting my website and joining my mailing list. I send out a weekly devotion, and you’ll get one of my books for free. Just go to and sign up!
Book Blurb:
Lester Sharp is a workaholic, obsessed with the success of his business and oblivious to the world around him.
All of that changes when a peculiar stranger comes into his shop asking for food and help. Lester soon finds himself on an impossible journey around the world to bear witness to some of the greatest tragedies a person can know, all frozen in a single moment of time.
In this challenging and gripping novel, debut author Chad Pettit, delivers a supernatural, pulse-pounding adventure in which Lester Sharp is in for the longest second of his life and learns lessons to last a lifetime.
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