Welcome Back, Hope Toler Dougherty!
Linda: Thanks for joining me today. It’s nice to have you back again. Congratulations on your latest release, Forever Music. I love the cover. What was the inspiration for your story (besides being a musician yourself)?
Hope: I lived in Charlotte after grad school and taught English at York Technical College. I was young and single then. It’s fun to think of that time—the people I knew, the adventures I had, the guys I dated. It’s easy for me to think about romance when I think of Charlotte. Several of the scenes in Forever Music began with a kernel of truth from that time.
LM: Your stories are all set in different locations. How do you decide where to put your characters?
Hope: My characters usually come first, and they let me know where they live. One book, however, started with the location. Mars…With Venus Rising is set in Mars, Pennsylvania, near Gibsonia where we used to live. It’s a quirky little town, and I thought it’d be fun to set a quirky story there.
LM: What sort of research did you have to do for Forever Music, and did you unearth any exceptionally intriguing tidbits?
Hope: Aside from what I’ve had to learn on the fly for motherhood, I have little medical knowledge. I had to interview a doctor for information about ulcers. I also interviewed an attorney and a retired judge for the law questions. Having grown up with Blue Laws, when most stores and services were closed on Sundays, I was surprised to learn that people can be served, arrested, and freed any day…even on Easter Sunday.

Hope: Flying was a long time ago! I wish I knew how to play the banjo. I love blue grass music and am fascinated by the talent of people like Earl Scruggs, Bela Fleck, and Steve Martin. A banjo waits in my living room for me to begin lessons.
LM: Here are some quickies:
Coffee or tea? Coffee unless I’m in Ireland!
Bicycling, walking, or driving? Bicycling!

LM: What is your next project?
Hope: I have about four or five chapters on one of the brothers in Forever Music. He’s such a fun character to write, but now he’s being silent and not talking to me. Maybe he knows I’m focusing on his sister Josie’s story right now and waiting for my full attention!
LM: Where can folks find you on the web?
Hope: Here are my social media links. I love connecting with people and talking about books and writing, so please look me up. Thanks so much for having me, Linda!
Website/Blog: http://hopetolerdougherty.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AUTHORHOPETOLERDOUGHERTY/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/13941031.Hope_Dougherty
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/hopetdougherty/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HopeTDougherty
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hopetolerdougherty/
About Forever Music
A battered heart needs healing.
A community needs rescuing.
A chartered course needs redirecting.
College history instructor, Josie Daniels, is good at mothering her three brothers, volunteering in her community, and getting over broken hearts, but meeting aloof, hotshot attorney Ches Windham challenges her nurturing, positive-thinking spirit. Josie longs to help Ches find his true purpose, but as his hidden talents and true personality emerge, will she be able to withstand his potent charms, or will she lose her heart in the process?
A rising star in his law firm, Ches Windham is good at keeping secrets. He’s always been the good son, following his father’s will to become an attorney and playing the game for a fast track to partnering with a law firm. Lately, though his life’s path has lost whatever luster it had—all because of his unlikely, and unacceptable, friendship with Josie. He struggles between the life he’s prepared for and the one calling to him now. Opposing his father has never been an option, and spending time with Josie can’t be one. The more he’s with her, however, the more he wants to be.
When a crisis tarnishes his golden future and secrets are revealed, Ches is forced to reexamine the trajectory of his life. Will he choose the path his father hammered out for him or the path that speaks to his heart?
Purchase Link: https://amzn.to/2UdYjSp
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