Talkshow Thursday: Sitting Down with Ann Gabhart
Today's guest is Ann H. Gabhart, author of twenty books, with more on the way! Settle in and get to know this interesting lady.
Linda: Thanks for joining me today. Congratulations
on your latest publication, These Healing
Hills? What was your inspiration for the story?
Ann: Most of my
historical novels have a Kentucky setting with some Kentucky history. So when I
was rummaging around for a new idea, I came across information about Mary
Breckinridge and how she established the Frontier Nursing Service in Hyden,
Kentucky in 1926. So I imagined characters who might fit into that Appalachian
Mountain setting and Frontier Nursing history.
LM: Research is a
huge part of writing, whether historical or contemporary. Do you have a
research tidbit you stumbled on that caused you to think “aha?”

LM: What is your
favorite part of the writing process?
Ann: I sometimes like having written. No, I
really like to write but the process isn’t always a walk in the park. Getting
from the beginning through the middle and to the end can be a tough writing
journey that takes months, even years. Perhaps my favorite time is when I have
finally written “the end” on the last page and then get to go back and read it
with editing in mind. I like to edit when the edits are my idea. I find it a
bit harder to get excited about those cuts and changes when the changes are
suggested by others. J
LM: What do you
do to prepare yourself for writing? For example do you listen to music or set
up in a specific place?
Ann: I’ve never listened to music for
inspiration. I simply sit down at my desk, put my fingers on my keyboard and
order myself to get to work. If I am in the midst of writing a book, then I
often reread the last several pages I wrote last writing session to get my head
back into the story. As you may have gathered from my previous answer, reading
what I’ve written is much easier than writing those new words. But you have to
write the new words to get the story told.
LM: You live in a
beautiful part of the country, a place many people would visit on holiday. If
money were no object, what is your idea of the ultimate vacation?
Ann: An interesting
question. If money were no object, I think I would like to tour all over the
USA in one of those nice campers, visiting every state, spending time in the
beautiful National Parks. Then I might hole up for a month or two in a mountain
cabin before spending another month on the beach – a southern beach if it’s
winter and a northern beach if it’s summer. But I would have to head back home
now and again. I’d miss my own place.
LM: What is your
next project?
Ann: Next up is a
book titled River to Redemption that
will release next summer. It’s set in
a little Kentucky town in 1833, then the story hops to 1845. While the story is
a work of fiction, I did base it on a true incident that occurred during the 1833
cholera epidemic in Springfield, Kentucky. At that time, people thought bad air
caused cholera. So all who had the resources to do so would desert their towns at
the first mention of cholera in the area. That often left few to tend to those left who
might be sick or who died from the disease. In Springfield, a hotel owner gave
one of his slaves the hotel keys and told him to keep things going. Then the
owner fled the town. That slave, Lewis Sansbury, was unaffected by the disease.
He stayed in Springfield, caring for the sick and burying the fifty-five people
who died. In 1845 when his owner died and it appeared Lewis was going to be
sold, the townspeople collected money to buy his freedom and set Lewis up in a
blacksmith shop. That’s the true bit of history. River to Redemption is about how that might have happened if you
made up a story which I did.
LM: That sounds like a wonderful story. Where can
folks find you on the web?
Ann: The best place to look for me is on my
website, You can
see my social media links there and my blogs. I like it when friends and
readers join the conversation on my Facebook author page, I tweet
now and again on Twitter with a user name, AnnHGabhart. I’m out there on
Goodreads. I post pictures on Pinterest under my name and have an Amazon author
page. Plus, you can sign up for my occasional newsletter on my website. That
way you can be the first to know about new books, giveaways or what’s going on
down here on the farm.
Thanks so much,
Linda, for letting me come over for a visit.
LM: It's been a pleasure to have her. These Healing Hills is available on Amazon, other book buying sites, and in your local bookstore.
Sounds interesting. Good luck
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by, Catherine!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy Ann’s books so much. Great interview. Blessings
ReplyDeleteSo glad you stopped by, Catherine, to read my interview. And Lucy, I do appreciate you reading my stories. So glad you've enjoyed them.
ReplyDeleteI just love Ann's books and can't wait for the the summer when her next book is out as this book she has out now is so so good!