Linda: Welcome
back and congratulations on your latest release, Faith and Hope. What was your inspiration for the story?
Amy: This story started from a simple question. What
would happen if two grown sisters who didn’t get along were forced to spend the
summer together?
LM: What a
loaded question. Sounds intriguing! You recently returned from a writer’s
retreat. How did that impact you and your writing?
Amy: This was my second year to attend, and I am planning
to go every year from now on. It’s amazing to be surrounded by other authors
whose brains work similar to yours. The setting was gorgeous, too, which left
us all relaxed. And it actually inspired me to write a novel this summer that I
hadn’t planned on for a while.
LM: In addition to being an author, you are a wife
and mother. How do you juggle all your responsibilities?

LM: What do you do to prepare yourself for writing?
For example do you listen to music or set up in a specific place?
Amy: I don’t
really do anything except sit in my chair and open my laptop to wherever I left
off the day before. I guess the most preparation I do, is that I think about my
story as I try to fall asleep at night so I can have a better idea of where I
want the next scene to go when I can write the next day.
LM: What is the quirkiest thing you’ve ever done?
Amy: Put pink streaks in my hair.
LM: Here are
some quickies:
Favorite season: Fall
Favorite Bible verse:
Isaiah 3:5-6
Favorite Actor or Actress:
Audrey Hepburn and Carey Grant
LM: What is your next project?
Amy: I’m
editing a couple of stories now with hopes of getting them sent to publishers
before the end of the year to try and get them contracted. I have another one
contracted to come out next September. And I’m going to try my hand at writing
a Christmas romance during Nanowrimo in November. That sounds like quite a bit,
doesn’t it?
LM: Where can folks find you on the web?
Amy: My
website is and my Facebook page is
I’m doing some fun things on there right now so definitely come check it out!
About Faith and Hope:
sisters. One summer. Multiple problems.
Younger sister Hope has lost her job, her car, and her
boyfriend all in one day. Her well-laid plans for life have gone sideways, as
has her hope in God.
Older sister Faith is finally getting her
dream-come-true after years of struggles and prayers. But when her mom talks
her into letting Hope move in for the summer, will the stress turn her dream
into a nightmare? Is her faith in God strong enough to handle everything?
For two sisters who haven't gotten along in years,
this summer together could be a disaster ... or it could lead them to a closer
relationship with each other and God.
Purchase Link:
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