Talkshow Thursday: Welcome back Julie Arduini!
Linda: Welcome back. I can’t wait to hear about your
latest release, You’re Amazing, the
second in the Surrendering Stinkin’ Thinkin’ series. As with the first book, you co-authored the story with your
daughter. How was this experience different than the first time?
Julie: Hi, Linda! Thanks for having me back! The
biggest change for You’re Amazing is that Hannah created a plot around dance,
something I have zero experience or knowledge about. The whole concept of the
book for Jazmin’s story was having her struggle in dance for the first time, so
I could relate! I have to thank our dancing friend, Alanis, who went over the
dance aspects and edited me for accuracy.

Julie: My passion is for young people, girls
especially, to embrace the truth that as Stasi Eldredge wrote, that they are “Captivating,
the masterpiece in creation.” If that truth doesn’t reach them, they will go
find a way to be captivating in ways that will scar them. Young people have so
much stress and little encouragement. That was Hannah’s heart for the series,
to encourage girls younger than her so they wouldn’t struggle as much.
LM: You’ve
written both fiction and non-fiction. How is the process different?
Julie: I think the research for fiction is harder.
In the Surrendering Time series, it was important to get the setting right
because I love the Adirondacks so much I wanted to honor the people and place.
The non fiction writing I have done has been about my infertility experience,
so that was something I knew very well, too well.
LM: You are a
self-professed chocolate lover. What is your favorite chocolate treat?
Julie: Pretty much anything milk chocolate with
almonds. I received Cadbury bars for Christmas and they didn’t last long!
LM: How do you
prepare yourself for writing? (e.g. set up in a certain place, listen to music)
Julie: Great question! I have found I’m in a better
frame of mind if I workout first, doing a walking workout on YouTube followed
by a quick yoga program. Then, I spend time in Bible study. I turn on my candle
warmer, usually with a Christmas tree scent, and have Alexa play instrumental
music. I tend to write in the bedroom because my husband is often in the office
and our college aged son also has online classes he takes downstairs.
LM: Here are some
Julie: Favorite Actor
or Actress: Ryan Reynolds
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Biblical character: Esther
LM: What is your
next project?
Julie: This fall I will release Restoring Christmas.
It was part of the A Christmas to Remember boxed set, but now that novella will
also be available in print form.
I’m also finally
writing the first book in my next Christian romance series, Surrendering
Opinions. I’ve tried Anchored three times and put it down. I finally feel like
everything in my head will finally make it to paper. For those that enjoy the
show, This is Us, Surrendering Opinions will be a series I think they will
LM: Where can
folks find you on the web?
Julie: My site is
at, where they
can also receive my first romance, Entrusted,
as a gift when they subscribe to my newsletter. I’m everywhere on social media
between Facebook and Snapchat as @JulieArduini. I’d love readers to follow me
on Amazon and Goodreads,
Don’t be shy to reach out. I enjoy
connecting with readers.
Thank you, Linda!
Book Blurb:
Jazmin’s a natural at dance until
a series of changes make her wonder if she should even keep up with her
favorite hobby.
a mom with young children overwhelmed with her schedule when a woman remarks
that what Lena does isn’t even important.
Jazmin and Lena belong to Linked, a mentoring ministry where all ages encourage
each other and build friendships. Can these two surrender the lies
they are believing and realize they are amazing?
A novella for tweens, teens, and women of
all ages by mother and daughter team Julie Arduini and Hannah Arduini.
Thank you, Linda! I enjoy these interviews with you.